Posts Tagged ‘Who Do You Think You Are?’

I’ve slacked a bit on the blog front, but a few motivational things have been pushing forward at the same time: WDYTYA? — While NBC is currently rerunning some of the Season 2 episodes of the US edition of Who Do You Think You Are?, I’ve been watching my own DVD reruns of some favorite […]

Monday, 14 March 2011 | 0 comments
Categories: Uncategorized

As a long-time viewer of the BBC edition of Who Do You Think You Are?, which has broadcast sixty episodes over seven seasons so far1, I recognized tonight’s episode featuring Kim Cattrall as an edited version of a BBC episode from 2009 (Series 6). As fans of PBS may be aware, hour-long BBC originals are […]

Friday, 25 February 2011 | 1 comment
Categories: Uncategorized